Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Perfect Night?

October 10th, 2007

Photoshop, head full of ideas, all night time to work on it - nothing could go wrong, right?
Well, no. Everything could.

And all due one thing, more annoying than anything I've ever faced in my life - atopic excema.

I spent a week in hospital recently due bad infection - getting antibiotics straight to vein and driving me out of my mind of boredom. That's when things actually went bad - my atopic excema started to get worse there, but I declined the possibility to go to skin disease specialist since at that point everything looked still quite normal, it goes from good to worse every now and then.

I get home, things continue quite normally when I get back to my own creams and lotions for my skin, still eating antibiotics, pills this time though.

But then, all hell breaks loose - it has never been this bad for what I can remember - not even couple years ago when I spent nearly a month in the hospital due it.

The skin is dead - dry flakes all over, and it hurts, hurts like hell to even move slightest bit - and here I'm supposed to work on my ideas on photoshop when every inch moving my mouse hurts :(

Oh well, at least it's getting a bit better from what it was couple days ago, but still, this is painful - I took a shower yesterday morning - oh my, was that a mistake - pouring salt to open wound would be heaven compared to what it felt like - and like always, it caused the skin to dry even more.

Doctor tomorrow.. .no, this morning since it's 5.42 AM here - but that's for the infection checkup, not the skin - hopefully there's some doctor in the skin policlinic available to take a look on me, though it's unlikely, but I need something new for this, something to fix me before I lose it all.

Be grateful if you're even relatively healthy - atopic excema is hell.

To look things on the brightside, my girlfriend doesn't seem to be taking stress over my condition - only I am from the two of us, let's see if her opnions on it hold now that she's going to spend next week and a half straight here next to me, she saw this when it was almost at it's worst, but that was only a day.

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